What are Smelling Salts?

What are Smelling Salts?

Smelling salts have been used since the Roman times and are finding a resurgence in modern day.  Smelling salts also known as Smalts were originally used to revive people who had feinted.  The aroma that emits from the smelling salt when cracked irritates the nose when inhaled and alerts the body's nervous system.  This reaction is caused by the ammonia that is inside of each capsule. 

People have begun to realize the additional benefits that inhaling these smelling salts can have.  Gaining alertness, focus, and strength are some of the benefits that people experience with smelling salts. These physical benefits and the ease of use that smelling salts provide is a large reason why this chemical formulation has become so popular.  Each capsule also called an "ampule" is quite inexpensive and easily accessible to purchase online and at some retail stores and gyms.  

This is why Smalts have been adopted by the powerlifting community and many other sports.  Across the NFL, NHL, and NBA smelling salts can commonly be seen in use by the athletes.  There are many clips on social media and during broadcasts of star athletes using Smalts in between plays of a game.  From athletes like Brett Favre to Sidney Crosby an expansive list of super star athletes have been seen using smelling salts. Easy to see why with the need for a quick "pick me up" during a game! Not only athletes use Smalts though as recently smelling salts have grown into other areas. 

Smelling salts have been spreading across the college drinking scene. Now a days most college parties and fraternity houses you walk through will have smelling salts. College kids seem to love smelling salts and they have began to immerse into the culture of campus life.  All of their benefits can be seen across many different forms of use.  They are even used by some to improve performance studying! 

Smalts has become the premier smelling salts brand and is continuing to spread across the United States and the rest of the world.  We will see where smelling salts are over the next few years, but expect to continue seeing more of them in your every day life.

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