Are Smelling Salts Bad For You?

Are Smelling Salts Bad For You?

Are smelling salts safe?

Are you worried about using smelling salts? Concerns about using a product like smelling salts are understandable.  However, there is nothing that makes smelling salts have a negative effect on your health.  No studies have proven that smelling salts have a harmful effect. 

I would like to mention I am not a doctor and have not done any medical studies on smelling salts. 

With this said I have done thorough research on the subject and have used my fair share of smelling salts.  The only risk of smelling salts is if they are being used improperly.  This would mean excessive use or not inhaling as intended.

How can you use safely?

Smelling salts can be used safely if proper actions are taken.  The most important step is to follow any guidelines on smelling salt packaging or the product itself. products have intended use and warnings on each package.

Using in moderate amounts and not doing too many smelling salts within a short period of time limits potential for harm. 

To use the smelling salts you must carefully crack the smelling salt or Smalt with your fingers.  Then hold an inch or two below the nose and inhale.  If you follow these guide lines then your smelling salts use should be a non-harmful experience.

The Greatest Danger of Smelling Salts?

Smelling salts themself and the use of them does not actually provide the biggest risk.  Smelling salts can prove dangerous when used in situations of people losing consciousness or getting their "bell rung" then continuing to play. 

In sports like football and boxing the mental fog of a possible concussion can be negated with Smalts.  This can lead to possible further damage to the person's brain if they continue physical activity.  


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