About Smalts - Premium Smelling Salts

Who Are We? 
Smalts is a culture that has been built through social media and from our avid customers! Our goal is to continue to spread the use of smelling salts so everyone can realize the benefits they can provide. Passion for our brand and building a culture around Smalts that represents energy and fun is what drives us to deliver the best experience possible.

History of Smelling Salts?

Smelling salts have been around since the Roman Empire being used for their benefits of reviving someone who had fainted. Their usage continued to grow in the Victorian era, becoming more popular.  Over the past 50 years there has been a revitalization in the use of smelling salts, with athletes and powerlifters realizing that they are perfect for giving them the extra edge they need.


Smelling Salts in Sports?

The benefits of smelling salts lead to increased performance in many aspects of the sporting world. Across professional sports leagues like the NFL, NBA and NHL, the use of smelling salts has become apparent. According to ESPN the Magazine, around 80% of NFL players use smelling salts. Powerlifting specifically has found a huge boom in usage among their athletes, helping boost them to new maxes on key lifts.


How do Smelling Salts work?

Once the ampule is cracked or the bottle is mixed with water and opened, a pungent odor is emitted. This consists of our ammonia, which irritates the nasal mucosa and triggers the body to react, resulting in an increased heart rate and an energy boost many athletes claim to feel. These effects are strong, yet not long lasting, and will taper off after a few minutes.